創品米作:【快樂教育】#03 另類學校 | 唔講唔知非主流學校 | 自主學習同學校大不同
創品米作新一集分享了多種另類教育選擇 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCptavbbhzE
創品米作:【快樂教育】#03 另類學校 | 唔講唔知非主流學校 | 自主學習同學校大不同
創品米作:自主學習 真人真事幼童自學大法
How do I go about informing the EDB that I homeschool? 怎樣向教育局登記自家教學呢﹖
What curriculums exist for home education? 自家教學有任何課程的嗎﹖
Is it compulsory to apply to the Education Bureau for permission to home educate? 一定要向教育局申請才能自家教學嗎﹖
Would homeschool students fall behind school students academically?自家教學學生的學術成績會否比學校讀書的學生落後呢﹖
Can my child(ren) come back to school after homeschooling? 子女在自家教學後能再次返回學校讀書嗎﹖
Can parents homeschool only if they are highly-educated? 父母是否必需有高學歷才能跟子女自家教學呢﹖
Do homeschool students have less of a social life? 自家教學的學生會較少社交生活嗎﹖
容 許 孩 童 在 家 裏 接 受 教 育 事 宜